Lab 117

منظمات وجمعيات حقوقية تدعو الحكومة التونسية إلى إرجاء إطلاق المنصة الرقمية لتوجيه الدعم لمستحقيه


Lab 117

حرية التعبير على الانترنت في تونس في ضوء التشريعات الجديدة


Lab 117

مطلب نفاذ إلى المعلومة إلى الرائد الرسمي


Lab 117

About the upcoming electoral stations and the extent to which they respect the principles of democracy

Within the framework of its “Political Detective” program, the Hope Makers Association organized an interactive discussion panel on the upcoming electoral stations and the extent of their respect for democratic principles, on Wednesday, August 31, 2022, in the Café Culturel Liber’Thé space.The stakeholders and activists expressed their different positions on the pro..

About Us

The Hope Makers Association is a Tunisian non-profit association founded in 2020 and aims to contribute to raising awareness among citizens of the importance of participating in public affairs and spreading the culture of dialogue and difference among all citizens.